Operations Metrics

Intelligent monitoring management. Better sleep.

Monitor and analyze alarms and bypass for a healthier, safer, and more productive plant.

Cover Image for Operations Metrics

Alarm Monitor

Alarms are the dirty little secret of so many otherwise well performing facilities. Crush through your alarms with our alarm dashboard which performs alarm analysis and compares your performance to ISA 18.2.

Bypass Monitor

Bypassed safety systems are often identified as the root cause of catastrophic events. Bypasses are necessary but build up over time, creating a hidden risk. Use Bypass Monitor for complete bypass visibility, real-time risk assessment.

Image for Alarm Dashboard

Alarm Dashboard

  • View all active alarms in one place

  • Understand where most alarms are coming from

  • Filter by time, zone, area, priority, and more

Image for Alarm Analysis

Alarm Analysis

  • Find chattering and stale alarms

  • Drill into alarm floods to efficiently get to root cause

  • Double check supressed and disabled alarms

  • Understand trends over time

Image for Alarm Historical Analysis

Alarm Historical Analysis

  • Active and historical alarm performance

  • Rate of alarms, flooding, suppressed, chattering, and more

  • Compare individual plant area performance

Image for Complete Bypass Visibility

Complete Bypass Visibility

  • View all active bypasses in one place

  • Filter by plant, person, device type, and more

  • Understand origin and length of bypasses

  • Inspect by count or duration

Image for Real-time Risk Assessment

Real-time Risk Assessment

  • Quantify risk and determine health status

  • Visualize how a bypass affects system functionality

  • Grade current state against design-basis to find anomalies

Image for Bypass Historical Analysis

Bypass Historical Analysis

  • Graph bypasses over time

  • Dig in to event timelines

  • Analyze by count or duration